Satsanga by Swami Lalitanandaji at YSS Delhi Kendra

Swami Lalitanandaji conducted Sunday Satsanga at YSS Delhi Kendra on December 16, 2018.

He spoke on “How Guruji’s path includes components of all Yogas”. Swamiji started by bringing out the salient features of Raja Yoga, the most important one being the use of the meditation techniques. He pointed out how Raja Yoga enables the practitioner to gain control over his mind and consciousness through the control of energy, and how energy, in turn, is brought under control through controlling the breathing process.

He demonstrated how Raja Yoga is free from conflicts with other yogas like Karma, Bhakti, Mantra, Jnana etc. and how one is free to incorporate them into one’s life while remaining firmly rooted on the path of Raja Yoga. The extent to which one does this depends on the difference in the nature,  and intellectual and emotional characteristics of each person.

He brought out the different ways in which Guruji has interwoven many elements of all yogas into his system of Sadhana. He mentioned stories from the lives of the direct disciples of Guruji to illustrate this point.

He concluded by quoting a passage from Guruji's commentary on the Bahagavad Gita, God talks with Arjuna, in which Guruji clarifies that whatever be the path one chooses, ultimately one has to ascend through the spinal channel before one merges with the Infinite.