Talk by Swami Lalitanandaji on “Yoga for Peaceful Living in a World of Turbulence” at National Academy of Customs, Excise and Narcotics, Faridabad (September 7, 2017)

Swami Lalitanandaji gave a talk to the Trainee Officers of the Indian Revenue Services at the National Academy of Customs, Excise and Narcotics, Faridabad on September 7, 2017. The topic was “Yoga for Peaceful Living in a World of Turbulence”.

Swamiji started by mentioning why the world is turbulent, and why it will always be so, because of the two essential characteristics of the world: the play of opposites and constant change. He elucidated how the individual can live a life of peace and joy through the practice of Yoga and Meditation.

Explaining how Yoga starts working from the internal environment to the external – by resolving conflicts in the mind and raising the consciousness of the individual to enable one to maintain peace in the midst of turbulence – Swamiji shared how this internal peace would then spill over into the external environment of people and circumstances.

So, how does one achieve that? Swami Lalitanandaji explained that it was possible through a definite path – if followed properly and sincerely – to bring about the changes and conditions that one desires. He gave the example of the spiritual path given by Gurudeva Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji which helps in achieving the goal of a peaceful, happy and joyous existence in this turbulent world. He touched upon the benefits of practicing the various techniques given by Guruji and how each one of them contributes to the fulfilment of this goal.

Swamiji then introduced to the audience the best-selling spiritual classic – the Autobiography of a Yogi – written by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji – which has been translated into 45 languages.

Finally he mentioned how the technique of Kriya Yoga helps in rewiring the brain circuitry, and brings about the internal transformation one desires. Swamiji mentioned to the attendees that this technique of meditation is the highest technique known to man in his quest for Self-Realization.

After this talk which lasted for one hour, there was a short period of guided meditation during which Swamiji took the audience through a set of breathing exercises, meditation and the visualization technique for expansion of consciousness.

The audience comprising of 160 trainee officers and several faculty members who attended the talk, felt “greatly inspired to investigate the teachings of Guruji and to read his Autobiography of a Yogi.”